The Tale of ‘Long Ago’
by Lola
Long ago,
people would say so,
and all the flowers would dance away
without even saying 'hey.'
But alas,
there was once a task
which fellow and lady must wear a mask.
Not for an illness,
nor a disease.
But for caution,
must be done with ease.
So they grabbed all their supplies,
looked at the skies,
and wondered the whys.
Because this happened to them,
and they wondered so,
Because this all happened,
Long Ago
Author, age 11
I came up with the idea for this work while I was learning HTML on Khan Academy. The instructions were to write a poem, so I just named it and rhymed my way to end off with ‘Long Ago.’ What I am proud of in this work is that it sounds professional, like a real poem made by a real poet. So, after readers read it, I would have high hopes that the readers felt they had just read a smoothly rhymed poem that is simple to recite. When I was writing this poem, my only structure of how to make it was just finding words that rhyme or sound about the same. Then I would make it have a story spine, but not a big one.